Berk Emre Saribas

3D graphics engineer and game developer.

Graphics engineer and game developer. Currently working at EA - Maxis as a software engineer.

Before, I worked at The Forge, GritWorld and Gram Games (Zynga). See my CV here.

Here are a bunch of my personal projects:

Real-time Volumetric Clouds

Real-time Volumetric Clouds Inspired by Horizon Zero Dawn, I’ve implemented volumetric clouds based on Guerilla’s talk. I’ve used the engine I developed for my thesis to implement this project. After the theis, I implemented a frame/render graph to quickly work on real-time effects like this one.

Master’s Thesis - Precomputed Semi-dynamic Global Illumination with Real-time Raytracing

Master’s Thesis - Precomputed Semi-dynamic Global Illumination with Real-time Raytracing In this thesis, I extend the precomputed diffuse GI method with real-time ray-tracing. The extended version supports dynamic occluders and emitters than can contribute to the diffuse illumination. I also implement two different real-time specular reflection methods, to extend diffuse GI with specular illumination GI.

2D to 3D - Face Reconstruction

2D to 3D - Face Reconstruction A C++ library that takes a 2D image input containing a face, and reconstructs it in 3D. Expressions retrieved from a reconstruction can be transferred to other reconstructions.


Phyzix A university physics project, domenstrating the following:

  • Mass-spring simulation
  • Rigid-body simulation
  • Heat diffusion simulation
  • SPH fluids simulation
  • Stable fluids simulation

Graphics Playground - D3D11 Compute Shader Ray Tracer

Graphics Playground - D3D11 Compute Shader Ray Tracer D3D11 Compute shader implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend.

Visualization and Simulation of Crowds in Unity

Graphics Playground - D3D11 Compute Shader Ray Tracer

  • Implemented path finding with Dijkstra’s path finding algorithm and distance fields.
  • Implemented a simplified version of Optimal Steps Model for pedestrian movements.
  • Created an user interface and implemented visualization for trajectories, distance field. Also implemented a playback controller. Mentioned features make use of mesh generation and line rendering.
  • Provided an easy to use interface to create experiment scenes.